Timeshare Scams
There are three types of Timeshare Scams:
- The initial purchase of the Timeshare
- The Timeshare Exit scam
- The Timeshare Claim Scam
Timeshare is and always has been an unregulated industry. As such, due to several factors has been run like the wild west since it began. As a result, timeshare owners across the UK have lost and continue to lose vast amounts of money.

Were you mis-sold your Timeshare?
There are three points where consumers are susceptible to becoming scammed.
1. The initial purchase of the Timeshare.
- Inhumane levels of pressure and coercion are often involved during the initial sales pitch.
- Unregulated salespeople selling unregulated products that will tell you absolutely anything to elicit a sale.
- Timeshare products are regularly sold as illegal investments with the promise of resale.
- Consumers are consistently lied to regarding the benefits of certain timeshare products to promote upgrades to 'better' products.
- Finance packages are mis-sold and have interest rates hidden.

Learn how to avoid becoming a timeshare victim
2. The Timeshare Exit Scam.
Due to the financial problems caused by the timeshare industry, consumers have become increasingly desperate to absolve themselves from their maintenance liabilities.
Desperation, anxiety and confusion have left a vacuum that scammers have taken full advantage of. Continuous cold calls, emails and text messages plague past and present timeshare owners with offers of help. Unfortunately, this help has a sinister side. Large upfront payments are taken for services that are either not needed or never provided, culminating in more misery for Timeshare owners who remain stuck in the same predicament.

Never pay upfront fees to make a timeshare claim.
3. Timeshare Claim Scams.
Timeshare Claim scams are the most prevalent of all timeshare scams at this point in time. Clever sales pitches and marketing ploys convince timeshare owners that they qualify for a compensation claim and that they are guaranteed to receive thousands.
This tactic of persuasion has led to thousands of unsuspecting timeshare owners paying out thousands in upfront legal and claims fees. Unfortunately, most of these claimants will never see a penny in compensation, with the vast majority of these fake claims companies closing down soon after payment.
In most cases, timeshare owners are told that they qualify for a claim, even if they don't. Then, upfront payments are used to line the pockets of scammers, and claims are never submitted.

Safe and Secure Timeshare Exit and Claim.
We Can Help
We are Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. We provide free independent advice and guidance to all timeshare owners that require help.
If you would like to Exit your Timeshare Legally, we can do this for you without paying ANY Upfront Fees.
All qualifying claims are also taken without the payment of ANY Upfront Fees. We only charge if we win your claim and once the money is in your bank account.
We can help you claim your money back from a scam without the payment of any upfront fees.
Freephone our Helpline on 0800 0590106